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Stress Busters
by Marcy Lytle

We read all sorts of habits to start or end, to reduce stress.  For example, we need to get more sleep, get outside and exercise, drink more water…all of which are extremely good for our health.


But what about little things that we can do in the car, at home, while we’re working, etc. that might be a great list to have on hand…when we just need a little boost?  On those days when we didn’t get enough sleep, exercise is not an option, and we drank water…but we still feel anxious?


I’ve found some of these things that help me personally, so I hope they’ll help you.




  • When I pray I sometimes imagine myself running under the massive wings of God…his big arms…for protection and hiding.

  • Sometimes I imagine a paper bag (a big one) at the feet of Jesus and I dump all my cares inside, fold it over, and hand it to Him.

  • I recently read about how anxiety is like a mind full of bouncy balls…so why not grab one and keep it in your desk drawer?  Bounce it, then catch it, stop it from bouncing…and put it away.  It just might help capture those rogue thoughts.


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  • Put on a song (I love a waltz beat) and get up and waltz in the room…with Him…it’s amazing.

  • It’s fun to just skip through the house or the office to the bathroom or wherever.  It’s kind of a giggly thing to do.  And laughter is always good.

  • Cross your arms over your chest, sit in your chair, and stand up and down in that position, at least 10 times.  It’s just good for the heart.




  • Put on a pot of potpourri for late summer: a small can of pineapple juice, 1 T coconut extract, and about 7 slices of citrus (oranges and lemon), with water.  Bring to a simmer. 

  • Pinch some basil or rosemary and smell it.  Do this often. 

  • Light a fall scented candle early…why not?  It beats the doldrums of the summer heat.


Read and write:


  • Scroll Instagram or FB and stop on the quotes that speak truth and calm your spirit.

  • Write out your worries on a notepad, pray, and throw the paper in the trash.

  • Write down three things you’re thankful for, text it to a friend and challenge her to do the same.


Those are just a few ideas of little ways to bust the stress.  Make your own list.  Print it out or put it on your phone, and use it often.  Happy August.  Cooler days are coming soon…

Always...bridges...can you see my husband?
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  • Place mint, lemon slices, and cucumbers in an ice tray or tiny muffin tin, cover with water, and freeze.  You’ve just made some great summer ice cubes for your water.

  • Pick some flowers or buy them, and arrange them in a vase, a mason jar, or a used candle jar.

  • If you love fashion, create an outfit you’ve never worn by looking in your closet, at your accessories, your bags and your shoes.

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