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All Things New
by Pam Charro

Revelation 21:5


He who was seated on the throne said,

"Behold, I am making all things new!"


All things new. 


The older I get, the more I value this concept. In the childhood bubble of innocence, it was so much easier to keep seeing new things, to be refreshed by something wonderful and unexpected at every turn. But it's been more challenging over the years to believe that anything new could be coming. As Solomon said, "There is nothing new under the sun." Or, in Les Miserables, "Life has killed the dream I dreamed."

ENCOURAGEMENT - aug 2024 - moving forward - all things.jpg
photo courtesy of Doug Gephardt

Pain and disappointment are so often thieves of childhood wonder.

What new thing could there possibly be?


But I do believe him. I've been in his presence and have seen firsthand that he carries newness with him, and I've experienced it for myself, over and over. Life springs from his very words, and just the thought of him softens my gaze and brings youth back to my vision. In fact, one of his greatest acts of renewal is ... me. He removed my hardening heart years ago and replaced it with an awareness and sensitivity toward things that steal life. He took away my suicidal thoughts that I'd experienced since childhood and gave me a burning passion to bring joy and hope to others. And he traded my shame of my past for the hope of glory, not just in this present life, but in the one to come. I am proof that he does what he says he will do, and the longer I walk with him, the more opportunities I've had to experience that proof. 


I don't know exactly what that will look like in my remaining days here. I'm sure I will still experience fatigue and disappointment, as I often have, even while knowing him. But I look forward to all of the unexpected joys and wonders he still has planned for me as well, because walking with him brings renewal. 


Just as he promised.

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