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It’s work to make things look pretty, to set a fun table, to think of a meal that’s not just the ordinary, to have others over for that meal, and to go to the trouble of setting things up to make the table and atmosphere pretty.  And it’s easy to fall into a routine of night after night, the same repeat of recipes, the same dishes, and the same everything.  So why bother to change things up?


I have this big cabinet in the garage that is just for this purpose, to change things up when we eat.  What’s inside the cabinet?  Here’s a peek:


Melamine dish sets.  I have several; and at least one set per season.  I love to keep my table set with one of these options, along with cloth napkins, and something in the center of the table.  Even if no one is coming, or we’re eating on the sofa, I love to have a table set.  It makes me happy.


Seasonal dishes.  In January, I pull out my snowman chips/dip tray, in February we have a cute two-tiered heart stand, Easter is bright and colorful décor, and…you get the picture.  Just a few things for each season to set around the table, in the kitchen or on shelves.  It’s fun.


​Fun trays.  I have an entire shelf of trays.  Often we have picnics on the floor and a big tray on a big tablecloth or we spread a blanket.  Next, we add some paper napkins from the dollar store, with matching paper plates, and we’ve got ourselves a night in that will be something to remember.

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Candles.  If you don’t like to burn candles, you can get a warming lamp.  It works great.  But if you do love candles, keep some seasonal ones hidden away to bring out.  For example, I cannot wait until fall to bring out the pumpkin spice scents.   I think that’s everyone’s favorite, isn’t it? 


Placemats.  These add texture and layers to your table. They’re also good to put on wooden trays to protect them, and they’re great under all of those melamine dishes.  Placemats aren’t expensive, if you look for them at the discount stores!  I love to have gray, black, and yellow…and then some straw or raffia colored ones, as well.


Cups and glasses.  We enjoy a good milkshake sometimes, so I like having some of those plastic tall glasses for these.  I also enjoy unique glasses, maybe etched in gold, or in a bright green color (found these on vacation!).  Sure, we have our regular glasses in the kitchen, but pulling out these fun ones once in a while, makes dinnertime so special.


Bowls. Wooden ones, small decorative ones, large plastic ones…all sorts of bowls for salad night, or just pasta dinner, or seasonal bowls for trail mix, etc.  Change them out on your counter to enjoy, or place a big wooden bowl in the center of the table, full of salad.  Bowls are awesome.


I’ve been collecting these things over the years.  I shop at discount stores often, and just pick up things as I see them.  And I keep them organized by season in the big cabinet. 


Now back to the question, “Why bother?” Just simply because it’s fun.

Why Bother?
by Marcy Lytle
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