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Tiny Living is MOVING!


Well, not yet.  But we are FINALLY in the process of building! I can’t even believe I’m writing this!


Eight years ago in August we sold everything and moved into the trailer. We had lived in it for a year at an RV resort and felt like it was time to move on and buy our own piece of property. By favor of the Lord, we were able buy land in the same neighborhood as my parents. Little did we know we’d be living on land in the trailer for that many years.


As we begin to build, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and it’s easier to reflect and realize the lessons learned. It’s definitely not as easy to see while living in a situation and wondering, will there ever be a way out?


My dad always refers back to people in the Bible and how long some of them had to wait to see a miracle. But sometimes, when we’re in the midst of things we want the miracle now and don’t want to refer back to the Bible or what those people had to go through. But that’s what those stories are there for!


God is the same yesterday, today and forever! He will not leave us or forsake us. And when things don’t look so great…continue to praise Him! And when things are great…continue to praise Him!

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We definitely have had our good and bad days while living so tiny. And at times, I did not want to even talk to the Lord - or anyone - for that matter!


So many lessons learned in our tiny space, and I’ll continue to reflect and write them down and see how God was in the midst of it all.


More to come on how the build is progressing and what we’ve learned in building our own home…


Until then, remember…


Love grows best in tiny spaces.

A Big Change
by Leyanne Enterline
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