Let it Go
by Marcy Lytle
Have you ever thought of comparing ourselves to other as being unhealthy? Well, it is. We talk about on the HOME page for kiddos, and we’re talking about it here, for adults. Comparing makes us feel less than (or more than, depending on how we’re comparing) and this affects our self-image and how we feel about ourselves and life, in general. Comparison even causes us to question the goodness of God in our own lives, which is a downer…for sure!
This month, we’re going to suggest several ways to let go of comparing ourselves with others, in any shape or form. Little kids start comparing when they begin sports or make friends, or have parties, or play instruments. The world rewards with ribbons and trophies, and when we don’t make the cut or go home with an aware, we feel less than…and that starts the fall. Or maybe we do win all the awards and we start to feel better than those around us…and that too starts the fall.
If you see your kids feeling less than another because they didn’t make the team or the cut, affirm who they are, apart from awards, and establish them as loved by HIM…always…the greatest reward there is. And tell yourself this truth, as well!
If you have lost weight and feel good about yourself and look down on others who aren’t “healthy” according to your standards, think again. It’s one thing to be proud of what you’ve accomplished, but quite another to look down on those that haven’t done what YOU did. Danger zone!
If you suffer a setback financially and compare what you don’t have with what she does have, it only makes you feel frustrated and not enjoy your home and things. This brings on depression, and none of us wants that. Begin to give thanks for the small things, notice the sunset and the smiles on your kids’ faces, and ask God to restore what needs to be restored. And be grateful that your friend is not in the same need you are. It’s hard, but it’s healthy…
If you are disciplined and get things done and your husband is lazy (in your eyes) and a bum, you might begin to look on him with disdain, and this creates friction and disappointment in your marriage. Not healthy for either one of you. Instead, pray for him, and let go of instructing him, and watch how God can speak and get him to listen, when you let go and trust. I’m still learning this!
If you feel as though life is passing you by and you haven’t accomplished much, or life is too hard at the moment, and you’re wishing and longing for the youth and beauty of the younger girls around you, this makes you feel pitiful and alone. The truth is that as we age, He is with us and by us and for us and holds us, sustaining us and offering us joy in the journey. Tell yourself that every morning, and look at Him, instead of them… You’ll feel lighter in your step!
If your kids are successful and doing well, and you feel like you’ve really been “blessed” by God and you must have done it right, and your friends with kids that cause problems are going through hell with their family…don’t find yourself patting yourself on the back. This puffs up what you did, creates a definition of blessed that isn’t there, and it separates you and your friends. Think again. Success is loving each other as Christ loves us, and not comparing or finding self-worth in being better than the person next door…
Well, those are just a few of the ways that comparison can result in unhealthy “weight gain” of the wrong and heavy kind, that of pride…or shame. Neither of which make us feel good in any way.
Pray and establish again the truth of who you are in Christ and who He is in you, and that he is for you, and for them, and he loves us all. True success is knowing the truth, and then being set free to let these comparisons go, in favor of falling at his feet in adoration and thanksgiving.
And see these goodies above? Some are small, some are bigger, some are different shapes…but they’re all so tasty and delicious!
Happy February!