Walk in Love
by Angela Dolbear
I heard it over and over again: “Walk in love.” I heard it in church, in articles I read, and in verses in the Bible I came across.
Occasionally, I hear a word or a phrase in one place, only to hear it again somewhere else and maybe one more time. I try to stop and focus on what I hear whenever this happens to me because it seems like that is when God is telling me something. He graciously repeats it until I get it. He’s good like that.
“Walk in love” sounds poetic and pleasant. But I was unsure what it meant, so it was time to press in through prayer and research.
The first point I learned was to put away all bitterness and anger. Easier said than done. But I think of it as internal house cleaning. In my heart and mind, I picture vacuuming all the bitterness and then mopping away the anger until my mind is a clean, fresh place for Love to come in. It becomes a place I feel I can invite God to dwell. And He does. Again, He’s good like that.
The next point I learned about walking is love is to forgive. Forgiveness means different things to different people. But in general, it involves intentionally letting go of resentment and anger.
So, if I want to walk in love, I must let go of resentment and anger. The link above came from the Mayo Clinic website, describing some real health benefits to forgiveness, like less anxiety and lower blood pressure. So, forgiveness is much more than spiritually beneficial; it’s also physically good for you.
My biblical research describes walking in love as living a life imitating God by showing love to others.
A practical application of walking in love is showing love to others by doing anything to help them. But it’s not to be a people-pleaser or to be codependent (Meriam Webster defines codependent as “a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person manifesting low self-esteem and a strong desire for approval has an unhealthy attachment to another often controlling or manipulative person.”)
It’s simply seeing an opportunity to do or be kind, exercising the fruit of the Holy Spirit described in Galatians 5:22 as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. It’s replicating these qualities. For me, it is not doing things like thinking critically of others and being spiteful!
Showing love to others could also include being patient, kind, and not jealous, boastful, proud, or rude. It also means loving others in small moments, such as when they are frustrating, inconvenient, demanding, or discouraging.
Walking in love seems like it goes against human nature, which it does, since it’s really about being transformed into God’s nature. We can develop this new nature by maintaining a close relationship with God, fellowshipping with Him through reading the Bible and praying. This will help us stay in union with Him and keep our love walking shoes on.
In 2 John, the Bible also says that we should walk in love and truth, which means showing kindness and love to others while also holding on to what we know is true about Jesus.
Scriptures for further enlightenment:
“Walk continually in love [that is, value one another—practice empathy and compassion, unselfishly seeking the best for others], just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and sacrifice to God [slain for you, so that it became] a sweet fragrance.” -- Ephesians 5:2 (Amplified Bible)
“Love bears all things [regardless of what comes], believes all things [looking for the best in each one], hopes all things [remaining steadfast during difficult times], endures all things [without weakening].” -- 1 Corinthians 13:7 (Amplified Bible)
With these words in my mind and heart, I set out to walk in love. It is part of my everyday prayer for help with this new outlook. And daily, God provides the help I need to walk in love. And yes, again, He’s good like that.
Blessings to you!
Angela Dolbear is the author of contemporary Christian novels, such as THE GARDEN KEY Series and THE TORMENTOR’S TALE, as well as many short stories. Her latest release, The Mid-Century Breakfast Club, is the fourth book in The Garden Tales series and will be released in the Summer of 2025. All of her novels are available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook formats. Angela writes real, relatable, and reverent fiction. She loves reading, writing prose, and writing and recording music with her husband Tim in their studio in Nashville, TN—listen to her new album STORMS on your favorite music streaming service. Please drop by and sign up for news, read new stories, and hear new original music at http://www.angeladolbear.com/subscribe.htm. Blessings to you!