This month is a little different. Sometimes, there just isn’t time for date night, especially if you’re raising kids with no sitters nearby, or you’re both working, or money is tight, or any number of reasons. So during those busy seasons, it’s nice to have some time alone at bedtime, or in bed, before you turn off the lights, to connect and regroup and have fun. Here are some ideas for you!
Trivia Cards – Take out 10 trivia cards from a deck (you can purchase or find from your old trivia games!) Ask each other a question, and if you get it right you get to go again. First one to finish all the questions from the 10 cards wins. Don’t be alarmed if this game makes one of you sleepy, too sleepy to finish!
Scroll and Share – You’re gonna scroll anyway, so why not find five things to share with each other? Maybe a funny reel, or a song, or an email…something to laugh at, ponder, or enjoy together.

Watch something that makes you laugh – If you have a television in your room, turn to something comical that will make you both laugh before you snooze. It releases tension, settles the soul and makes you smile as you drift off. If you don’t have a TV in your room, then share a memory of a funny saying, joke, or experience.
Read the scripture – Maybe grab a devotional book, or shop for a book of the psalms you’d love to read, or listen to the Bible read aloud…for 15 minutes…and then pray together. This is such a connection and an act of love to Him and each other. Take turns, reading out loud to each other.
Give Thanks – Each of you pick three things from your day that you are thankful for, and share them, then give thanks together to Him for them…no petitions allowed. This activity is SO GOOD, as it makes us both stop and think about the good in every day, even if it seemed like a bad one.
Those are five things TO DO. And here are five things to NOT DO:
Don’t criticize each other or bring up frustrations about what he/she didn’t do or hasn’t done.
Don’t talk about the issues with the kids and the worries of the day. If you must unload, close your eyes together and give it all to him, then pick an activity from the above list.
Don’t go to bed separately. If you can, retire at the same time so there’s time for connection. Or at least take time for connection before the first one hits the pillow.
Don’t go to bed dirty. Take a shower. Freshen up. As if you were first married…always.
Don’t worry about tomorrow or today or the future or yesterday. Easy to say, hard to do. But practice casting your cares on Him, until it’s a common thing and you sleep in peace.