We talk here about all sorts of ways to be healthy, and we all know the big things like exercise, eating right, growing spiritually, getting rest, etc. But what about little things that cause stress that we’re not even aware of? Lately, I’ve noticed these, and over the years I’ve tried to let them go. Maybe you’ll be inspired to let go of these “other” stress busters that are causing you angst:
Haircuts – Going to the salon stresses me out, because I have fine thin hair, and every time I come home I then recut my hair or style it, because it just wasn’t right! So I cut my own hair now, with no shame, and I’m happy. Is there a personal task you’d rather do yourself? Then do it!
Performance – Showing up at events I don’t feel comfortable going to can be a stressor for sure. For me, it’s funerals, for one. And ladies events, for another. Both stress me out, and I used to feel so guilty for not being there because everyone else is going, or it’s the “right thing do.” Sometimes, the right thing is to stay home.
Fast Food – Maybe you feel guilty every time you go through a drive-thru and grab that unhealthy choice on the menu. Of course, we know we can’t dine in the drive thru as a rule, but once in a while? Indulge, pull over under a tree, and enjoy that frozen coke from McDonald’s while you read a book…

Thoughts – Intrusive thoughts come out of left field and sometimes knock us for a loop, and we feel awful for thinking that bad thing, or doubting God AGAIN, or thinking more highly (or lowly) of ourselves than we should. Intrusive thoughts are just that. An intrusion. But they’re not a resident. So go on, be okay, and don’t give it another thought.
Laundry – I know this is a stressor for moms of littles, but even I with no children at home, stress about it! This one can be solved, I’m sure of it. We can ask for help, set a schedule for laundry and stick to it, or ignore the piles and read that book, without guilt, on a day when laundry calls but we just can’t answer.
Grocery and Meal Planning – I honestly enjoy both of these but not the time it takes. I’ve found a rhythm to using curbside that I love and I enjoy choosing meals and recipes, BUT some days it takes way too long! And some weeks I don’t feel like doing either. It’s those days I choose from my Mad Dash Mixes, or Meal Simple choices at the store, or use our gift cards and eat out. Why not? It’s okay!
What to Wear – I know I feel my best when I’m dressed in something I love that makes me feel good about myself. But some days, that can be a stressor. I recently cleaned out my closet and realized (finally) that there are certain things I had in my closet “thinking” I’d wear but never did. No more. And instead of holding onto items because I might wear them or I felt guilty for not wearing them, I bagged up and donated. Stress relieved…
What She’s Doing – Isn’t this a stressor that enters our lives as little girls? We want what she’s got, we want to look like she looks, and we want to be fulfilled like that friend is. When all HE desires is that we be like Him, sit with Him, serve like Him, and love like Him…in all the little things we do every day. Not like her.
Guilt – Call it mom guilt, daughter guilt, whatever…but guilt is heavy. And sometimes we feel guilty for the silliest things. I feel guilty, personally, if I spend time reading because I don’t feel I’m being productive! But when I lay aside that guilt and read a while, I can feel calm to my whole body. I remember carrying the guilt of a dutiful daughter, thinking I had to meet all of my mom’s needs. It was heavy. If your mom is aging, carry her to Him, and then breathe as you learn to separate that duty from delight. If you feel as if you have to say yes to everything your children ask of you, you don’t!
What else causes you to feel stressed that might not be something anyone else feels, but you do? Think about it, write it down, and change one thing today by letting it go and enjoying whatever it is you love to do. Even if it’s watching an old episode of Gilmore Girls, or going to the movies alone, or not cooking dinner tonight…bust that stress!