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It should come as no surprise to you that I love to read. Books are my relaxation, one of the ways I find rest. Admittedly, I don’t get to read as much as I’d like, but that comes with the territory in the season of life I’m in. Anyway, I usually read fiction, but every now and then I sneak in a non-fiction book.


I’ve always wanted to read Anne Frank’s diary, so I finally purchased a copy off Thriftbooks. It took me several weeks to get through it, but wow, it was so thought-provoking. I honestly didn’t know what to expect going into it, but it was so interesting. I felt right off the bat the power of Anne’s description and the beauty of her spirit. For such a young woman, she certainly was wise and mature.


What stood out to me most was her ability to see beauty in the world, even during her darkest hours. The words in her diary are so elegant and heartfelt. I had to stop reading and just soak it all in several times.


To think about how this girl was forced to hide away for over two years, constantly afraid for her life, and yet she still had such a positive outlook – it’s astounding to me! What courage and fortitude she must have had to be in such a precarious situation yet still devote time and effort into improving her own character. Her astute observations and eloquence are so inspiring.


In many ways, it’s also convicting. Here I am, with so much to be thankful for, and yet I often find myself grumbling. I get so caught up in minor inconveniences or things that irritate me that I forget how much beauty is all around me.


One of my goals this year has been to stop and just be thankful more often. Not just when I’m having a great day or doing something fun, but in the midst of everyday moments that can easily be taken for granted. Reading Anne’s diary has only further cemented my desire to do just that. To look around and smile and say to myself, “It’s good to be alive.”

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Because it really is. Each day is a gift. Another chance to embrace all the blessings I have so graciously been given. To look at the blue sky and revel in its vastness. To feel the wind on my cheeks and wonder how far it travels. To watch my children grow and mature, to see their character truly develop. To hug my husband and hold his hand. To taste and see and hear and feel the beauty of life – these are the greatest blessings!


God’s workmanship is so evident in creation. It’s so beautiful and glorious. The world truly is amazing. How can I not find something to smile about every day? If Anne Frank could do so in the midst of great hardship, then I think I can manage it too. Being grateful is something anyone can do. All it takes is the ability to stop and smell the roses once in a while.


Inspired by a Diary
by Kaelin Scott

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