Is It March, Already?
by Marcy Lytle

Sparkle and Shine? I found this dressy top at The Loft as well, and maybe sparkly threads are for holidays. But I think they’re pretty for spring, paired with gold or hues of blue, and a scarf, too. The Loft runs so many good sales, all year long!
Black & White for Sure! – Isn’t this a pretty blouse? It can be paired with your corduroys from winter. Add a straw bag and some slides, and you’re good to go for a day out shopping or lunch with a friend. Also, from The Loft.

It's usually still chilly and barely starting to warm up by now. But little by little, the layers will become less and less, and the colors of spring will emerge...A new season is coming!
March is here, how can it be? Wasn’t Christmas just a few weeks ago? Here where I live, we’ve had all four seasons in the course of a couple of months, so it stands to reason that I’m confused! However, here it is…March. The season where spring is supposed to begin, but are we ready? It’s still cold, and then hot, and then what?
In case you’re wearing all sorts of clothing like I am, here are some styles to consider in this third month of the year:
Maybe Something Green? - I love this jewelry by Rivanna and I have a code (THYMEFREE) you can use to save! It will look great with denim, neutrals, navy, brown, yellow, all the hues of the new season that is coming. It’s made from palm tree nuts and so affordable and gorgeous.
How About New Frames? Do you call them glasses or frames? Either name you use, these
fun geometric frames are great for spring and I found them on Amazon. And…
A Peplum Top? This cute top is from The Loft, with a very small peplum ruffle at the waist and in a black and white fabric that you can dress up from day to night!

Elevated Casual? This cozy sweater works for cold March winds, and again the Rivanna jewelry is on my wrist! Such fun pieces for all year! The cords are from Old Navy and I’m warm on a blustery morning.
Florals, Anyone? I have a couple of floral sweaters in my closet in spring hues, so I’m pulling them out for March. I just found them on vacation and grabbed them because they’re cute! You don’t need many accessories because the flowers speak volumes!