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Writer's pictureMarcy Lytle

Restaurant for Two

Our state was opening up on May 1, a few restaurants, more stores, and more opportunities to gather...BUT...we weren't quite ready to join the crowds just yet. We wanted to stay safe and observe a bit longer. But the idea of going to a restaurant, sitting on a patio, ordering and being served, sounded so nice...

So, we decided to make our little area in front of our TV a small restaurant for two!

We brought in our card table and covered it with a tablecloth - elegance! We used two chairs from our dining table, not the card table chairs. We set the nice plates, the cloth napkins and added candles on the table...and all around the room...and turned the lights down low!

For a movie, we chose Dangerous Lies - it's a suspense made for TV movie about a young couple that has incredible luck AND danger all around them in a short period of time...and we didn't know if one of them was "bad" or just who was causing and wreaking all of this havoc! It was an entertaining watch...not the best movie by any means...but kept us awake and watching as we ate.

And what did we eat? Well, here's the recipe.

Mediterranean Pasta! I was so tired and didn't really want to cook, but i remembered i had printed out the recipe, had the ingredients, and it looked super simple and fast. It was! It absolutely tasted like a restaurant dish, and looked so pretty in our new pasta bowl from Target! I had venture in Target earlier and found this cute cute bowl in the dollar section for five bucks!

We didn't have any fancy bread, but we did have fresh wheat bread, so we toasted it as a side,

and place it atop a tiny cake stand beside our pasta bowl.

We both loved the atmosphere, felt like we were dining out, were entertained and had fun!

Restaurant for two will become a thing for us because it was so fun. We both helped make it happen and cleaned up together, and even had a bit of time for a puzzle before bed.

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