THYME to Read
Our magazine will include the following columns, for your reading pleasure.
Check back here often, to see if we’ve added something new!
The Dressing (fashion, decorating, organizing…and more)
Seven for You (answered questions, from our panel of women)
Cousin Moms (Moms of 6 littles share tricks and fun!)
In the Kitchen (recipes of all kinds!)
Tried & True (traditions and/or fun ideas for the season)
Bookstore (one a month, from our authors!)
Practical Parenting (raising kids to be responsible, giving adults)
I Don’t Do Teenagers (issues from tweens to teens)
Tiny Living (trailer life...by choice!)
A Night to Remember (devotion for the family)
In Each Room (decor, organization, and more)
Rooted in Love (mom life filled with hope)
Inner Strength (coming out of struggles, stronger)
Healthy Habits (physical and/or spiritual health)
Life Right Now (lessons from each day...from a teacher's view)
A Hopeful Heart (always a miracle in the waiting...)
Under Pressure (she writes sermons, we get the cliff notes)
Current Sightings:Movies (reviews and suggestions for you)
Worth Repeating (from our archives)
Date Night Fun (practical ideas for a good time out)
After 40 Years (growing closer instead of apart)
For Better or Worse (loving and living...with kids)
Simple Truths (a mom with grown twins shares all)
Moving Forward (getting past hurts and wounds)
Firmly Planted (growing strong in God while gardening)
Unearthly Thing (a flair for the spiritual)
A Day in the Life (for those who feel the pressure)
An Adage a Day (bringing back wisdom to pass on)
In and around Austin with him...fun and food!
Newly inspired thoughts updated WEEKLY on the COVER PAGE (see the SCROLLING MENU)